• Viện Tiến tiến về Kỹ thuật và Công Nghệ (AVITECH)

  • Xê-mi-na khoa học

    16/05/2024, TECHNICAL MEETING: Dr. Tran Quoc Long (Institute for Artificial Intelligence, UET), How Healthcare Systems in Vietnam Work

    Vietnam’s healthcare system is a unique amalgamation of public and private sectors, designed to provide comprehensive care to its diverse population. This talk aims to elucidate the structure, function, and challenges of the Vietnamese healthcare system, with a special focus on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare practices. We will explore the historical […]

    16/05/2024, TECHNICAL MEETING: Prof. Maarten De Vos (Departments of Engineering and Medicine, KU Leuven, Belgium), AI in healthcare: turning the hype into a help

    AI is everywhere, and has the potential to disrupt also healthcare. However, particular challenges related to healthcare applications need to be addressed. Those are exciting times being at the intersection of AI and healthcare. The impact of AI in healthcare will only grow, and we are here at the right time to also unlock the […]

    16/05/2024: TS. Nguyễn Văn Sơn (Bộ môn Công nghệ Phần mềm), Ứng dụng học sâu trong kỹ nghệ phần mềm tự động

    Công nghệ phần mềm xử lý toàn bộ vòng đời của quá trình tạo ra phần mềm, từ thiết kế đến bảo trì. Khi phần mềm trở nên ngày càng phức tạp, lượng dữ liệu được tạo ra là rất lớn, bao gồm mã nguồn, tài liệu yêu cầu và các ca kiểm thử. Học […]

    16/05/2024: PGS. TS. Hoàng Văn Xiêm (Bộ môn Kỹ thuật Robot), Tương tác Người – Robot: Thách thức và cách tiếp cận mới

    Công nghệ Robot đã và đang đóng vai trò quan trọng việc định hình sự phát triển của cuộc cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0. Cùng với trí tuệ nhân tạo – AI, công nghệ Robot mang lại nhiều cải tiến cho lĩnh vực tự động hóa nói riêng và các hoạt động phát triển kinh […]

    11/04/2024: TS. Đặng Trần Bình (Bộ môn Khoa học máy tính), Tương tác giữa thông tin chủ đề và Thông tin ngữ cảnh cho việc biểu diễn văn bản

    Trong hầu hết các ứng dụng, việc hiểu và biểu diễn văn bản luôn đóng vai trò quan trọng, đặc biệt là trong xử lý tự động. Cùng với các đặc điểm bề mặt của từ, thông tin về chủ đề rất có ý nghĩa và cần thiết để cung cấp ý nghĩa ngữ cảnh […]

    07/03/2024: Nguyễn Văn Phi (Viện Trí tuệ nhân tạo), Mô hình tạo sinh cho dữ liệu y tế

    Một trong những vấn đề lớn của xử lý ảnh y tế là việc thiếu hụt dữ liệu gắn nhãn do chi phí, thời gian và sự sai lệch trong nhãn của các chuyên gia. Mô hình phân tán (Diffusion models) có khả năng sinh dữ liệu một cách chân thực bằng cách mô phỏng […]

    07/03/2024: TS. Tạ Việt Cường (Human-Machine Interface Laboratory) Học sâu tăng cường cho hệ thống đa tác tử

    Với sự tiến bộ của tối ưu hóa ngẫu nhiên, lý thuyết học máy và sức mạnh tính toán, nhiều chủ đề chưa được giải quyết trong học tăng cường đã đạt được tiến bộ nhanh chóng trong những năm gần đây. Tuy nhiên, khi có nhiều tác nhân cùng tham gia vào hệ thống, […]

    January 11, 2024: Prof. Mérouane Debbah (Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE) TelecomGPT: The Next Big Wave in Telecomunications

    The evolution of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) constitutes a turning point in reshaping the future of technology in different aspects. Wireless networks in particular, with the blooming of self-evolving networks, represent a rich field for exploiting GenAI and reaping several benefits that can fundamentally change the way how wireless networks are designed and operated nowadays. […]

    07/12/2023: Trần Việt Khoa (UTS) Mô hình học kết hợp cho việc phát hiện tấn công trong các mạng blockchain

    Trong nhiều năm qua, công nghệ blockchain đã nổi lên như một giải pháp hữu ích trong việc lưu trữ và quản lý dữ liệu. Một trong những đặc điểm quan trọng nhất của blockchain là cho phép dữ liệu được lưu trữ trong các khối. Khi khối đó đã được xác thực bằng giao […]

    07/12/2023: TS. Nguyễn Văn Vinh (FIT, UET) Dịch máy đa ngữ tiếng Việt và các ngôn ngữ khác

    Dịch máy là bài toán quan trọng và kinh điển trong lĩnh vực xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên. Bài trình bày tập trung vào bài toán dịch máy đa ngữ (đây là cách tiếp cận tốt nhất hiện nay) và phát triển mô hình cho hệ dịch đa ngữ tiếng Việt và các ngôn […]

    09/11/2023: Hà Thị Kim Dung (Học viện An ninh nhân dân) Thuật toán xấp xỉ cho bài toán Tối đa hàm -submodular không đơn điệu với ràng buộc chi phí

    Bài toán kSMK là một bài toán tối ưu tổ hợp phổ biến với hàm mục tiêu có dạng k-submodular được áp dụng trong nhiều ứng dụng cụ thể như: Tối đa ảnh hưởng của k chủ đề, đặt k loại sensor cảm biến, …. kSMK mở rộng bài toán Tối đa hàm tập hợp […]

    09/11/2023: TS. Triệu Hải Long (IAI, UET) Trích xuất thông tin dữ liệu Y sinh: một số chủ đề và phương pháp

    Trích xuất thông tin là một bài toán quan trọng trong xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên (NLP), trong đó bao gồm các bài toán con như: trích chọn thực thể tên (named entity recognition), trích xuất mối quan hệ (relation extraction), trích xuất sự kiện (event extraction), phân giải đồng tham chiếu (coreference resolution), […]

    10/01/2023: Dr. Luu Phuc Loi (Pacific Informatics, Vietnam), Epigenomics in clinical applications

    More and more genetic and genomic testing are developed and approved to be used in clinic after human genome project finished in 2001. With the emerging of NGS in 2005, the genetic and genomic testing is further advanced and plays an important role in clinical diagnosis and prognosis. Were born later, epigenetic and epigenomic testing […]

    13/09/2022: ThS. Tran Viet Khoa (AVITECH), Deep Transfer Learning: A Novel CollaborativeLearning Model for Cyberattack DetectionSystems in IoT Networks

    Federated Learning (FL) has recently become an effective approach for cyberattack detection systems, especially in Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks. By distributing the learning process across IoT gateways, FL can improve learning efficiency, reduce communication overheads and enhance privacy for cyberattack detection systems. One of the major challenges for deploying FL in IoT networks is the unavailability […]

    05/08/2022: PGS. Đào Việt Hằng (ĐH Y Hà Nội), Updated Hepatocellular Carcinoma Managementand Potential Research Directions onHepatocellular Carcinoma Prevention

    HCC is a major burden disease in Vietnam, ranking the first in prevalence and mortality of malignancies. Using ultrasound plus biomarker Alpha- fetoprotein (AFP) plays an important role in HCC screening for high-risk populations such as cirrhosis, viral hepatitis,… HCC diagnosis still faces many difficulties due to the heterogeneous quality of diagnostic imaging facilities and […]

    28/06/2022: TS. Lê Đức Trọng (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Reliable Machine Learning: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges

    In supervised learning, researchers often discover underlying patterns from a training dataset using ML algorithms. They expect that these patterns could be exploited to facilitate the prediction task on unseen/future data. This expectation maybe met once there exists an i.i.d distribution among seen and unseen dataset. However, it is not always true in various real-life […]

    07/06/2022: TS. Phạm Đức Quang (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Digital holography for 3D imaging

    Holography is a technique that enables a wave-front to be recorded and later reconstructed. Holography is best known as a method of generating three-dimensional images, but it also has a wide range of other applications, including non-destructive testing, security, data storage, laser processing, or new optical elements. In this talk, the basis of the holographic […]

    22/04/2022: GS. Chin-Teng Lin (Univ. Tech. Sydney, Australia), Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) The Next-Generation Human-Machine Interface

    Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) enhances the capability of a human brain in communicating and interacting with the environment directly. BCI plays an important role in natural cognition, which is studying the brain and behavior at work. Human cognitive functions such as action planning, intention, preference, perception, attention, situational awareness, and decision- making are omnipresent in our […]

    22/04/2022: TS. Nguyễn Thế Hoàng Anh (VKIST-Nacentech Lab, VKIST, MOST), Brain-Computer Interface and its research progress in Vietnam

    Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a research topic that has attracted a number of researchers in Computer Science and Neuroscience in Vietnam. BCI enables human users to interact directly with machines and computers via EEG headsets and somehow their thoughts. That way of interaction is essential and effective in circumstances that conventional human-machine interactions fail to […]

    19/04/2022: TS. Nguyễn Chí Thành (AMST, Hà Nội), CRF-EfficientUNet: An Improved UNet Framework for Polyp Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images

    Due to its communication efficiency and privacy-preserving capability, federated learning has emerged as a promising framework for machine learning in 5G-and-beyond wireless networks. Therefore, the novel designs of wireless networks to support the stable and fast operation of federated learning are of great interest. This talk will first highlight the reasons why federated learning becomes […]

    29/03/2022: TS. Vũ Thanh Tùng (Queen’s Univ. Belfast, UK), Wireless Communication Networks forFederated Learning

    Due to its communication efficiency and privacy-preserving capability, federated learning has emerged as a promising framework for machine learning in 5G-and-beyond wireless networks. Therefore, the novel designs of wireless networks to support the stable and fast operation of federated learning are of great interest. This talk will first highlight the reasons why federated learning becomes […]

    08/03/2022: PGS. Mai Anh Tuấn (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Robust assessment of obstructive sleep apnea at home: socioeconomic considerations in low- and middle-income

    Sleep apnea does not kill people due to breath stopping but it affects our quality of life and performance. The real issue in Vietnam is that people do not know about it and many people are not diagnosed, or even if they know they may not know what to do. So, the mission of a […]

    01/03/2022: TS. Võ Nguyên Sơn (ĐH Duy Tân), A Sustainable Multi-tier Multi-hop Emergency Communication System

    In emergency scenarios, e.g., during a disaster, communication systems are partially (or completely) interrupted with very limited resources due to infrastructures destruction and hence the lack of essential services. Meanwhile, the demand for communication reaches its highest peak ever since users need to contact loved ones and make sure they are safe, inform first responders […]

    22/02/2022: TS. Nguyễn Hoàng Hà (ĐH KH&CN, Hà Nội ), Automatic morphometric landmark detection on insect wing images

    The study of biological forms increasingly utilizes the geometric morphometrics approach as it allows quantitative evaluation of morphology. Shapes could be digitized as a set of landmarks from specimen images. The annotation of landmarks on insect wings is manually done by domain experts; however, it is time- consuming and error-prone. In this talk, I will […]

    28/12/2021: TS. Mai Hồng Sơn (Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội (TWQĐ) 108), Treatment planning of 90Y-resin microsphere radioembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma

    Liver cancer is globally the sixth-most frequent cancer and the fourth-leading cause of death from cancer. Approximately, a million people die of liver cancer annually with the higher rates of liver cancer occurring in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Vietnam has around 20 thousand people die of liver cancer each year, ranking in the top […]

    07/12/2021: TS. Vũ Thị Thơm (ĐH Y Dược – ĐHQGHN), Endothelium and Microcirculation in Noncommunicable Diseases

    The endothelium is a mono-layer of cells lining the interior surface of entire vascular system. In physiological condition, the endothelium kept the intact of vessel by stabilizing the vessel permeability as a bed for multiple signaling cascades. When the endothelium injured call endothelial dysfunction, it turned to pathological condition like thrombosis, inflammation that could lead […]

    30/11/2021: TS. Nguyễn Tiến Hòa (ĐH Bách Khoa Hà Nội), 5G – opportunities for industrial cooperationand aspects for research

    My motivation for this speech comes from a single wish that is to support a few hundred students of the electronics and telecommunications school each year to be able to work in the right major after their graduation. Although many good students often choose to go abroad for further research and higher education, there are […]

    16/11/2021: TS. Khuất Văn Thành (Học viện Kỹ thuật Quân sự ), Laser Fault Injection in a 32-bit Microcontroller: From the Flash Interface to the Execution Pipeline

    Fault Injection (FI) is an active side-channel attack in which an attacker induces faults to the target and further exploits them to extract secret information by differential analysis (fault vs no-fault). Many FI techniques have been developed, such as clock or voltage tampering, Electromagnetic fault injection, Laser fault injection (LFI). The attacks can be classified […]

    26/10/2021: BS., TS. Trần Vũ Hoàng (Univ. Massachusetts Medical School, US), Inflammation and cardiac arrhythmias in ischemic heart disease

    Heart disease contributed to 23 percent of deaths in the United States in 2017. Cardiac arrhythmias (i.e., abnormal heart rhythm) are the major causes of death in heart disease. Cardiac arrhythmias can occur in the general population, but they tend to occur more commonly in patients who suffer from a heart attack. Some arrhythmias, such […]

    05/10/2021: TS. Trần Cao Quyền (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN, Vietnam ), Underwater Source Localization usingMatched Field Processing

    The problem of localization of an underwater source has paid much attention recently since its role are in the development of Vietnam social economy and national security so far. In SONAR, using Matched Field Processing (MFP) to solve the problem is a modern trend since it is applied widely not only in USA but also […]

    28/09/2021: ThS. Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung (Đại học Giao thông Vận tải), Two-stage Convolutional Neural Networks for Road Crack Detection and Segmentation

    Automatic detection of road cracks is an important task to support road inspection for transport infrastructure. Various methods have been proposed for road crack detection and segmentation, however, there is no established method for handling real road images that are noisy and of low quality. Inthis talk, I will present our proposed method utilizing a […]

    31/08/2021: TS. Trần Thị Thúy Quỳnh (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Cyber-attack detection and informationsecurity in Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0 has several achievements in many domains such as manufacturing, agriculture, and healthcare. The Internet of Things (IoT) devices act as a very important role in Industry 4.0 in collecting information from the online-working system, however, they easily suffer from cyber-attacks due to their direct Internet connection. In this talk, we present a proposed […]

    17/08/2021: TS. Phạm Ngọc Thảo (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Piezoelectric Micromachinied UltrasonicTransducers (pMUTs) and Their Applications

    Piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducers (MUTs) have a lot of advantages such as small size, lightweight, low power consumption compared to piezoelectric bulk ceramic transducers, and thus have been used in many applications such as ultrasonic imaging, rangefinder, fingerprint sensor and so on in recent years. These advantages make the pMUT suitable for consumer electronics with […]

    03/08/2021: TS. Andres Arias (Erasmus MC, Netherlands), MRI Imaging Biomarkers of Cancer

    Cancer disease is often difficult to get the right diagnosis and treatment. Gold standards to stage cancer and monitor disease progression are biopsy and imaging of tumor volume. However, the need for invasive biopsies to obtain the required tissue places limits on both spatial and temporal assaying of tumors. Also monitoring tumor volume progression limits […]

    20/07/2021: ThS. Bùi Minh Tuấn (AVITECH), Learning based Friendly Jamming with Imperfect CSI for Security in MIMO

    Using deep learning in physical layer security has been a topic of interest recently. In this talk, we present a method called learning based friendly jamming (FJ) to guarantee secrecy in MIMO wiretap channels. Unlike the previous works that require full channel state information (CSI) of legitimate channels, we show that it is possible to […]

    13/07/2021: ThS. Đỗ Văn Hoàn (Univ. Munich, Germany), Clustering and Visualization of Big and Multimodal Omics Data

    Emerging single cell genomics technologies such as single cell RNA sequencing provide new opportunities for discovery of previously unknown cell types and facilitating the study of biological processes such as cancer development. Clustering and visualization using dimensionality reduction techniques such as t-SNE and UMAP are the fundamental steps in analyzing high-dimensional data produced by the […]

    23/06/2021: ThS. Nguyễn Văn Lý (San Diego State Univ., US), Fisher Information Neural Estimation

    Fisher information is a well-known and well-defined concept in mathematical statistics. There are many areas in which the Fisher information is applied to, e.g., estimation theory, Bayesian statistics, frequentist statistics, optimal experimental design, computational neuroscience, physical laws, and machine learning. Therefore, the estimation of Fisher information is of critical importance. In this talk, we introduce […]

    12/06/2021: GS. Võ Bá Ngự (Curtin Univ., Australia), Random Set Models for Multi-Object Dynamical Systems

    Multi-object systems are complex dynamical systems in which the number of objects and their states are unknown and vary randomly with time. These systems arise in many application areas, including multi-agents systems, surveillance, computer vision, robotics, machine learning, and so on. The standard vector State Space Model (SSM) fundamental to systems theory is not adequate […]

    08/06/2021: TS. Nguyễn Vũ Linh (Eindhoven Univ. Tech., Netherlands), Examples of Classification Tasks

    Classification is a machine learning approach in which the computer learns a map from objects (and their features) to classes. Numerous studies have focused on the setting of multi-class classification with a single class variable. More general classification tasks are to predict multiple class variables simultaneously, i.e. multi-dimensional classification (MDC). When the class variables are […]

    01/06/2021: TS. Tạ Văn Dương (Học viện Kỹ thuật Quân sự ), Advances in Soft-matter-based Microlasers

    Microlasers are important components for integrated photonic circuits and ultra-sensitive miniature sensors. In the early state, most microlasers were based on semiconductor materials because of their high efficiency, compactness, and emission stability. However, the fabrication of semiconductor microlasers is challenging that requires costly apparatus and many complex processes. To overcome this issue, recently soft-matter-based microlasers […]

    18/05/2021: TS. Nguyễn Phi Lê (ĐH Bách Khoa Hà Nội), A Fine-grained AI-based Mobile Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting

    Recently, with rapid industrialization and urbanization, air pollution is becoming an increasingly painful issue than ever in Vietnam. So far, air monitoring has been carried out by using monitoring stations located at fixed locations. However, due to the cost of installation, deployment, and operation, the number of monitoring stations deployed is often very small. As […]

    11/05/2021: TS. Ngô Khắc Hoàng (Univ. Paris-Saclay, France), Massive Uncoordinated Random Access for the Internet of Things

    Under the paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT), a major challenge in next-generation wireless networks is to serve a very large number of connected devices. IoT devices are mostly battery limited and transmit short packets in a sporadic and uncoordinated manner. This calls for new theoretical frameworks that help to understand the fundamental limits […]

    04/05/2021: TS. Nguyễn Tấn Như (Univ. Caen Normandy, France), Real-time Computer Vision System for Tracking Simultaneously Subject-specific Rigid Head and Non-rigid Facial Mimic Movements using a Contactless Sensor and System of System approach

    Head and facial mimic animations play important roles in various fields such as human-machine interactions, internet communications, multimedia applications, and facial mimic analysis. Numerous studies have been trying to simulate these animations. However, they hardly achieved all requirements of full rigid head and non-rigid facial mimic animations in a subject- specific manner with real-time framerates. […]

    20/04/2021: TS. Bùi Duy Hiếu (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Security Hardware and Hardware Security for Ultra-low-power IoT: New challenges & Opportunities

    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been fostered by accelerated advancements in communication technologies, computation technologies, sensor technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and semiconductor technologies. During IoT’s operations, it may collect, transmit and process secret data, which raises security problems. Implementing security mechanisms for ultra-low-power and low-cost IoT devices is challenging because they are intended […]

    13/04/2021: TS. Đặng Nam Khánh (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Fault-tolerance through-silicon-via for 3-D integrated circuits

    Through-Silicon-Via (TSV) is considered as the nearfuture solution to realize low-power and highperformance 3D-Integrated Circuits (3D-ICs) and 3DNetwork-on-Chips (3D-NoCs). However, imperfection in TSV-based IC manufacture has been one of the most critical challenge for realizing this technology. Moreover, the lifetime reliability issue of TSV due to its fault sensitivity and the high operating temperature of […]

    06/04/2021: ThS. Qiuchen Zhu (Univ. Technology Sydney, Australia), Hierarchically Residual Network for feature extraction

    In machine vision, the key to object detection rests with robust and accurate algorithms for feature extraction. To this end, this paper proposes a deep learning approach using hierarchical convolutional neural networks with feature preservation (HCNNFP) and an intercontrast iterative thresholding algorithm for image binarization. First, a set of branch networks is proposed, wherein the […]

    30/03/2021: TS. Hoàng Gia Hưng (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Random finite set theory and its application in signal processing

    Random finite sets (RFS) or simple finite point processes are stochastic geometric models in stochastic geometry – a branch of mathematics that studies connections between geometry and probability. Stemming from the famous Buffon’s needle problem, stochastic geometry has since found applications in many diverse areas including astronomy, agriculture/forestry, epidemiology, image analysis, and telecommunications. In this […]

    16/03/2021: ThS. Lê Trung Thành (AVITECH), Adaptive algorithms for tensor tracking

    Tensor decomposition that factorizes a tensor (i.e., multiway arrays) into a sequence of basic components has become a popular analysis tool for processing high-dimensional and multivariate data. In online applications, data acquisition is often a time-varying process in which data are serially collected or changing with time. This has led to defining a variant of […]

    09/03/2021: GS. Mérouane Debbah (Huawei France Research Center, France), Breakthrough Research: From Innovation to Invention

    Prof. Merouane Debbah will talk about breakthrough research, focusing on Mathematics and Algorithms for Information and Communication Technology (ICT). He will in particular explain the various research domains, going from business-driven to technology-driven and, more recently, innovation-driven research. The talk will be followed by a Q&A session. Speaker: GS. Mérouane Debbah, Vice-President of Huawei France […]

    03/02/2021: TS. Pierre Ambrosini (Erasmus MC, Netherlands), Automatic Detection of Cribriform Growth Pattern in Prostate Histology Images

    Cribriform growth patterns in prostate carcinoma are associated with poor prognosis. We aimed to introduce a method to detect such patterns automatically. To do so, convolutional neural network was trained to detect cribriform growth patterns. To benchmark method performance, intra- and inter-observer variability has been evaluated. In the presentation we will discuss the method, the […]

    26/01/2021: ThS. Phạm Văn Thành (Univ. Fire Prevention and Fighting), Highly Accurate Step Counting at Various Walking States Using Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Unit Support Indoor Positioning System

    Accurate step counting is essential for indoor positioning, health monitoring systems, and other indoor positioning services. Nevertheless, over-counting, under-counting, and false walking problems are still encountered in these methods. In this research, we propose to develop a highly accurate step counting method to solve these limitations by proposing four features: Minimal peak distance, minimal peak […]

    29/12/2020: TS. Nguyễn Việt Dũng (ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France), Telecommunication: Aeronautical mobile and a ground station

    Transmission among aeronautical systems and ground stations are of a major importance for numerous operational configurations. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) officially recommends a model mainly based on the IF-77 electromagnetic wave propagation model. However, French team at ITU showed some drawbacks of the proposed model related to ITU recommendations P.525 and P.526 for areas […]

    01/12/2020: ThS. Trần Việt Khoa (AVITECH), Federated transfer learning for Cyberattack Detection Systems in IoT Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0, known as the fourth industrial revolution, is a vision of smart factories developed based on intelligent cyber-physical systems. It greatly boosts the development of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies, which includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet-of-things (IoT) and cloud computing. Security challenges specific to Industry 4.0 are due to the enormous complexity […]

    24/11/2020: GS. Theo van Walsum (Erasmus MC, Netherlands), Image guidance in interventions and therapy

    Minimally invasive interventions are beneficial for patients, but come at the expense of the physician: tactile and visual feedback is often limited. Traditionally, navigation systems have been used to assist physicians in (minimally invasive) interventions. Such systems are not applicable in minimally invasive interventions in soft tissue. At the BIGR group, we have been developing […]

    17/11/2020: TS. Phan Quốc Huy (Queen Mary Univ. London, UK), Machine learning applied to home-based healthcare monitoring

    The ongoing demographic change has resulted in a large aging population with increased life expectancy in many countries around the world. Consequently, it raises an urgent need for efficient, accessible, cost-effective, and scalable healthcare solutions that can serve a large number of aging people. There is a great opportunity to explore state-of-the-art computational modelling techniques […]

    03/11/2020: TS. Đinh Trần Hiệp (AVITECH), Summit Navigator automatic thresholding for image binarization with application to crack detection

    Machine vision has found many industrial applications. For surface inspection, a straightforward and effective segmentation algorithm is of vital importance for a successful extraction of crack pixels from the image background. This work presents a novel binarization method using Summit Navigator for local maxima extraction and contrast-based region merging without any prior knowledge about the […]

    27/10/2020: TS. Daniel Franklin (Univ. Tech. Sydney, Australia), Nanocomposite and Transparent Ceramic Monolithic Scintillators – a Pathway to Low-Cost PET

    One of the main factors in the cost of PET scanners is the scintillator crystals used to detect the 511 keV gamma photons emitted from positron annihilations. Conventional PET systems utilise huge numbers of tiny individual crystals, with complex light-sharing schemes needed to obtain depth of interaction (DOI) information. While monolithic scintillators offer a simpler […]

    13/10/2020: TS. Phạm Duy Hưng (ĐH Công nghệ), Distributed Coverage Control for Networked Multi-Robot System in Any Environments

    In this seminar, we present a distributed coverage control for networked multi-robot systems in any environments. The distributed coverage control is developed by combining the interconnected hexagon-lattices based coverage and the hierarchical distributed control of networked multi-robot systems. The distributed coverage control is capable of driving mobile robots to move in the network to cover […]

    29/09/2020: GS. Quang Hà (Univ. Technology Sydney, Australia), Dependable Low-Cost Sensing Networks for Monitoring Purposes

    Availability, integrity, maintainability, reliability, resilience, security & safety are desired attributes for modern systems. Such systems are called dependable. In this seminar, I will present recent results of low-cost sensing networks for air quality monitoring in suburban areas of Sydney. Techniques for achieving system dependability will be discussed, including sensor colocation and machine learning. Other […]

    22/09/2020: ThS. Phạm Minh Tuấn (Aix-Marseille University, France), AutoEncoder-Based Feature Ranking for Alzheimer Disease Classification using PET Image

    Alzheimer Disease (AD) is becoming a major type of neurodegenerative brain disease in elderly people. Early detection and diagnosis of AD is of crucial importance for developing treatments. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is one of the most effective biomarkers which helps to diagnose AD early. One major challenge of PET-based classification is the very […]

    15/09/2020: TS. Lưu Mạnh Hà (AVITECH), DLAD: Image Processing Method based on CNN and Anisotropic Diffusion Filter for Improving Medical Image Compression, Applied for Teleinterventions using 3D Medical Images

    Tele-radiology is increasingly being used on a large scale worldwide. Image compression while preserving the quality of the image is essential in clinical diagnostic and treatment. Compression is especially relevant if the bottleneck in lively viewing the image is in the image transfer over poor Internet connection condition. This talk presents a framework for organ-specific […]

    05/09/2020: TS. Nguyễn Hoàng Quân (ĐH Công nghệ), Integration and Testing Challenges of Nano Satellites: Experiences from a Space Technology Project

    Since the dawn of space-age, many artificial satellites have been launched and operationalized by many space-faring nations for Earth observation, Communication, Navigation, and Space sciences applications. Nano Satellites offer a compelling alternative to large space projects, with the capability to support commercial, governmental, academic applications responsively and cost-effectively. Also, Nano Satellites have a lot of […]

    04/07/2020: ThS. Nguyễn Đình Chinh (ĐH Công nghệ), Fast Heart Rate Estimation via Continuous-Wave-Doppler Radar System using Combination of Empirical Mode Decomposition and Continuous Wavelet Transform

    Contactless measurement of heart rate based on continuous-wave Doppler radar may act an essential role in the future of medical practice. The continuous-wave Doppler radar measures the displacement of wall chest induced by heart and respiration activities. The significant advantage of this technique is that patients are not constrained by biological electrodes attachments. Nevertheless, the […]

    10/06/2020: TS. Đinh Thi Thái Mai (AVITECH), Smartphone-Based Indoor Positioning Using BLE iBeacon and Reliable Lightweight Fingerprint Map

    The introduction of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology provides new opportunities that the Global Positioning System (GPS) could not provide for indoor localization. In this paper, we introduce a real-time indoor tracking and positioning system using BLE beacon and smartphone sensors. Up to now, most of the system is using Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR). The […]

    05/06/2020: ThS. Vũ Thị Hạnh (Bệnh viện Bạch Mai), Application of biomedical image analysis in cytogenetic tests of hematology malignant diseases

    Hematology malignant diseases such as Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Multiple Myeloma are serious illnesses. The estimated number of new cases of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), according to the report by WHO in 2014, is 1-2/100k people annually. Without diagnostics and treatment with targeted drugs, most CML patients with acute Leukemia would only live a few months. […]

    02/06/2020: ThS. Nguyễn Văn Lý (San Diego State Univ., US), SVM-based Channel Estimation and Data Detection for Massive MIMO Systems with One-Bit ADCs

    The use of low-resolution Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) is a practical solution for reducing cost and power consumption for massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. However, the severe nonlinearity of low-resolution ADCs causes significant distortions in the received signals and makes the channel estimation and data detection tasks much more challenging. In this talk, we show how […]

    18/05/2020: ThS. Nguyễn Thúy Nga (Univ. Toulouse, France), Automatic detection and classification of a skin cancer lesion by machine learning: From research result to a startup company

    Skin cancer is the most common cancer with two to three millions new cases per year worldwide, according to WHO. Skin Cancer Foundation Statistics stated that one in every five persons will get skin cancer in their lifetime in the US. More than 2 people die of skin cancer in the U.S every hour (see […]

    05/05/2020: TS. Lâm Sinh Công (AVITECH), Stochastic Geometry Model for Cellular Networks

    Stochastic Geometry Models has been utilized widely to replace Regular Hexagonal Models in terms of cellular network modelling and performance analysis. In this model, the Base Stations (BS) are assumed to be randomly distributed according to a 2D Poisson Point Process while the users follow a specific distribution and have connections to the nearest or […]

    28/04/2020: TS. Phạm Thị Việt Hương (AVITECH), Multimodal learning: A review

    Our experience of the world is multimodal – we see objects, hear sounds, sense texture, smell odors and taste flavors. Modality refers to the way in which something happens or is experienced. A research problem is identified as multimodal when it deals with multiple modalities. In order for Artificial Intelligent to understand things around us […]

    21/04/2020: GS. K.V.S. Hari (Indian Inst. Science, Indian), Wireless Channel Modelling of Drone-Ground links using RF measurements

    He will briefly introduce the motivation to study channel modeling followed by a brief overview of the experiments in channel measurements leading to the IEEE 802.16 standard. He will present the challenges in developing a communication system for drone communication links using current systems like LTE and the motivation to study the wireless channel models […]

    24/04/2020: TS. Tống Văn Luyên (AVITECH), Smart Antennas for Interference Suppression in Wireless

    Smart antennas have been widely employed in radar and wireless communication systems since they help to improve the signal spectrum utilization efficiency, interference suppression and energy saving by array pattern synthesis. In this pattern synthesis, the desired pattern can be obtained by controlling the excitation weights of antenna arrays. To enhance the interference suppression ability […]

    10/12/2019: ThS. Trần Việt Khoa (AVITECH), Collaborative Learning Model for Cyberattack Detection Systems in IoT Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0, known as the fourth industrial revolution, is a vision of smart factories developed based on intelligent cyber-physical systems. It greatly boosts the development of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies, which includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet-of-things (IoT) and cloud computing. These technologies immediately impact various sectors, such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, transportation, […]

    09/12/2019: Prof. Hady Lauw, Preference Learning from Multimodal Data

    With pervasive digitization, two trends are emerging. One is the proliferation of choices in our consumption of both physical and digital goods and services. The other is the “datafication” of our behaviors, whereby users’ preferences increasingly manifest through multiple modalities of preference signals, e.g., consumptions, ratings, reviews, networks, images. The first points to the challenge […]

    03/12/2019: TS. Lê Đình Anh (ĐH Công nghệ), A Simplified Thermodynamic Model for Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flow with Thermodynamic Effect

    Cavitation is a phenomenon in that liquid evaporates and vapor bubbles appear in the region of liquid pressure roughly below the saturated vapor pressure due to the flow acceleration. In the region of the pressure recoveries to freestream pressure, the cavitation bubbles collapse that generates the strong pressure wave in flow field that raises the […]

    26/11/2019: CN. Vũ Duy Thanh (AVITECH), Deep Learning for Autonomous Car

    Autonomous vehicle is a promising technology which involved a large investment in the industry. Besides the conventional technologies in autonomous vehicle driving such as Fuzzy logic and Computer vision, Deep learning has become the most important frontier in machine learning which has acted as a main factor in autonomous vehicle development recently. In this presentation, […]

    19/11/2019: TS. Nguyễn Hồng Thịnh (AVITECH), A video-based tracking system for football players analysis using Efficient Convolution Operators

    Multiple Objects Tracking (MOT) is a challenging problem of computer vision that has a wide range of practical applications in CCTV, security, video compression, and sports analysis. Generally, MOT tracking contains multiple single tracking operating at the same time. It becomes very difficult in cases demanding realtime processing with high accuracy. In such a context, […]

    12/11/2019: CN. Trần Xuân Tuyến (ĐH Công nghệ), Brain network analysis and its applications to brain disorders assessment

    Most of the previous neurotech researches solely concentrate on single neurons within small brain areas rather than analyzing the communication between different regions. The actual brain operation, however, is a high interconnection, so more useful and informative features are acquired only if we take into account the relationships among various sources of brain signals. The […]

    05/11/2019: TS. Dương Việt Dũng (ĐH Công nghệ), Lagrangian Vortex Method for Complex Flow Simulation Applied in Aerospace, Wind, and Biology Engineering

    To solve complicated simulation problems for complex deforming objects under complicated motions found in aerospace, aerodynamics, meteorology, biology engineering, this seminar presents Lagrangian vortex method based on Brinkman penalization. The Brinkman penalization acts as an external force, which directly replaced in the Navier-Stokes equation, is described by velocity and vorticity. The advantage of the method […]

    29/10/2019: ThS. Nguyễn Thị Anh Đào (AVITECH), EEG signal processing systems for automatic detection of epileptic spikes

    The thesis aims to build EEG signal processing systems that automatically detect epileptic spikes by exploiting the relationship between adjacent spikes in time (single-channel EEG data analysis) and space (simultaneous multi-channel EEG data analysis). Speaker: ThS. Nguyễn Thị Anh Đào, AVITECH Time: 15:30, Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Venue: E3-212, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi […]

    22/10/2019: GS. Hideya Ochiai (Tokyo Univ., Japan), LAN-Security Monitoring

    This talk presents a cloud-based intrusion detection system (IDS), provided by the LAN-security monitoring project of the University of Tokyo. In recent years, malware can easily intrude into local-area networks (LANs) by phishing e-mails or infected smartphones over Wi-Fi. This talk presents the state-of-the-art architecture including honeypot, detected examples, and the application of machine learning […]

    08/10/2019: ThS. Bùi Minh Tuấn (AVITECH), Auto-encoder based Friendly Jamming for guaranteeing secrecy in wireless communications

    Information-theoretic security or Physical layer security (PLS) has emerged as a new concept that can complement encryption-based approaches. The basic idea of PLS is to exploit the characteristics of the wireless channel to ensure the ability of the intended users to successfully perform data decoding while preventing eavesdroppers from doing so. Among of state-of-the-art proposed […]

    23/09/2019: GS. Karim Abed-Meraim (Univ. Orleans, France), Blind and Semi-Blind System Identification

    Blind System Identification (BSI) is a fundamental problem which is signal processing sometimes known by different names: blind deconvolution, blind equalization, blind deconvolution or blind separation of convolutive mixtures. In all these instances, the objective is an inverse problem where an observed (multi-channel) system output one seeks to identify the unknown channels and/or retrieve at […]

    17/09/2019: CN. Yuki Iwata (Univ. Electro-Communications, Japan), Vital Sign Acquisition using CW Doppler Radar under Random Body Movement rejected by PCA Algorithm

    Vital sign measurement using a continuous wave (CW) – Doppler radar technique is widely applied where non-contact detection and privacy protection is required, such as infection screening in quarantine stations and sleep monitoring systems in home healthcare. However, CW-Doppler radar measures the velocity of chest surface movement consisting of cardiac and breathing signals with random […]

    10/09/2019: CN. Cindy Châu (Harvard Univ., US), A Brief Overview of the Neuroscience of Mental Illness

    In this talk, we focus on a brief introduction of neuroscience on several mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s Disease. We will first review common brain regions and neurotransmitters implicated in these disorders. We will then characterize each disorder and provide leading hypotheses on the pathogenesis of each disorder, including dysfunctions in the […]

    03/09/2019: ThS. Lê Trung Thành (AVITECH), EEG Source Localization in the Context of Epilepsy: A New Multiway Temporal-Spatial-Spectral Analysis

    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disease, approximately 65 million people diagnosed with epilepsy in the world. For the removal of epileptogenic region in particular and epilepsy diagnosis in general, accurate localization of the epileptic focus is highly meaningful. In this talk, we would like to introduce a robust method for EEG source […]

    27/08/2019: ThS. Ngô Khắc Hoàng (Univ. Paris-Saclay, France), Constellation Design for Non-coherent Communications in SIMO Block-Fading Channel

    The communication without a priori channel state information is called non-coherent communication. For the non-coherent Rayleigh block-fading channel, it was shown that the optimal signaling is to encode information in the subspace of the signal matrix in the space-time domain. Therefore, a constellation for this channel can be designed as a collection of subspaces. Such […]

    09/08/2019: TS. Hoàng Hồng Sơn (Toulouse), Adaptive filtering and its application to high-dimensional systems

    The inverse engineering problems approach is a discipline that is growing very rapidly. The inverse problems we talk about in this lecture concern the way to determine the state and/or parameters of the physical system of interest using observed measurements. In this context the filtering algorithms like the famous Kalman filter (KF) constitute a key […]

    21/05/2019: GS. Paul B. Jantz (Texas State University, US), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Techniques Used in Brain Injury Research

    This seminar will present basic information about how a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning machine works and how T1-weighted, T2-weighted, FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery), GRE (gradient recalled echo), and DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) MRI scans are used in brain research. It will also discuss how CT (computed tomography) x-ray scans are combined with MRI […]

    07/05/2019: GS. Mouloud Adel (Aix-Marseille Univ., France), Some Aspects of Computer-aided Diagnosis Applied on Medical Images

    Medical diagnosis is a very important medical daily task. Doctors need computer-aided tools to help them in analyzing a huge amount of data. Image processing and machine learning can take into account the variability of these data ad provide doctors with efficient and automatic tools. This talk will focus on different approaches that have been […]

    16/04/2019: TS. Đậu Sơn Hoàng (RMIT Australia), Applications of coding theory in distributed storage systems and distributed computing

    In this talk, we discuss recently emerging problems in distributed storage systems and distributed computing where redundant data and redundant computation help to improve the performance of the systems. In the first part of the talk, I will overview different kinds of erasure codes (each code specifies a different method to create data redundancy) proposed […]

    09/04/2019: ThS. Nguyễn Văn Thẩm (VNU Univ. Eng. Tech.), Some inconsistency measures and method for restoring consistency in probabilistic knowledge bases

    … Speaker: ThS. Nguyễn Văn Thẩm, ĐH Công nghệ Time: 15:30, Tuesday, April 09, 2019 Venue: E3-707, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi …

    02/04/2019: TS. Hà Minh Hoàng (ĐH Công nghệ), On several problems of operations research: from theory to practice

    … Speaker: TS. Hà Minh Hoàng, ĐH Công nghệ Time: 15:30, Tuesday, April 02, 2019 Venue: E3-707, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi …

    12/03/2019: TS. Trần Mai Vũ (ĐH Công nghệ), Data mining in telecommunication

    … Speaker: TS. Trần Mai Vũ, ĐH Công nghệ Time: 15:30, Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Venue: E3, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi …

    05/03/2019: ThS. Bùi Minh Tuấn (AVITECH), Lightweight security communication solutions for IoT networks

    … Speaker: ThS. Bùi Minh Tuấn, AVITECH Time: 15:30, Tuesday, March 05, 2019 Venue: E3-707, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi Bui Minh Tuan was born in 1985. He received B.Sc. and M.Sc. at The Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam in 2008 and 2013 respectively. He then was posed to The Military Institute […]

    26/02/2019: ThS. Nguyễn Thành Trung (AVITECH), CT Image Denoising Using Sparse Representation

    X-ray computed tomography (CT) is now a widely used imaging modality for numerous medical purposes. Due to the biological risk of x-ray radiation, developing CT methodologies minimizing x-ray exposure to patients while achieving the clinical tasks has been a major concern. However, reducing the radiation dose as in low-dose CT techniques results in images that […]

    19/02/2019: TS. Hoàng Văn Xiêm (ĐH Công nghệ), Joint Layer Prediction for Improving SHVC Compression Performance and Error Concealment

    Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding (SHVC) standard is expected to play a more important role in the heterogeneous landscape of broadcasting, multimedia, networks, and various services applications as it is specified as a layered coding technique in the ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) 3.0. However, its block-based structure of temporal and spatial prediction makes it […]

    14/01/2019: GS. Quang Hà (Univ. Technology Sydney, Australia), Smart Systems for Infrastructure Control & Monitoring

    … Speaker: GS. Quang Hà, Univ. Technology Sydney Time: 15:30, Monday, January 14, 2019 Venue: E3,144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi Quang Phuc Ha received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam, in 1983, the Ph.D. degree in complex systems and control from Moscow Power Engineering […]

    09/01/2019: GS. Huỳnh Hữu Tuệ (AVITECH, Canada), What is exactly Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)? How does it affect Vietnam?

    Based on the robust and rapid development of data transmission networks and high performance information processing algorithms for large data sets, the modern production industry has made great progresses over the last few decades. These developments are driven by modern industrial backgrounds into a condition known as the 4.0 industrial revolution, or for a shorter […]

    08/01/2019: TS. Lê Vũ Hà (AVITECH), EEG-based Brain-computer interface for prevention and rehabilitation of Alzheimer and other dementia

    … Speaker: TS. Lê Vũ Hà, AVITECH Time: 15:30, Tuesday, January 08, 2019 Venue: E3-707, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi Le Vu Ha is currently Head of the Signals andSystems Laboratory at Faculty of Electronicsand Telecommunications, VNU University ofEngineering and Technology (VNU UET). Heis also leader of the Neurotech research groupof the Advanced Institute […]

    25/12/2018: TS. Phạm Tiến Đạt (National Inst. Info. Commun. Tech., Japan), Fiber and Wireless Convergence for Future Mobile Networks and Sensing

    High-speed metro and access networks are indispensable to provide broadband services, especially bandwidth-hungry services and future 5G mobile networks to end users. Advanced wireline and wireless network solutions with ultra-high capacity, low transmission delay, high energy efficiency, and low cost should be developed to support a wide range of applications and requirements in future mobile […]

    14/12/2018: GS. Dusit Niyato (Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore), Introduction to Blockchain and Mining/Consensus Management

    Public blockchain networks using proof of work-based consensus protocols are considered to be a promising platform for decentralized database management. In order to maintain a secured, universal state of the blockchain, proof of work-based consensus protocols financially incentivize the nodes in the network to compete for the privilege of block generation through cryptographic puzzle solving. […]

    04/12/2018: TS. Trần Trọng Hiếu (AVITECH), Belief Revision and Belief Merging: An Overview

    … Speaker: TS. Trần Trọng Hiếu, AVITECH Time: 15:30, Tuesday, December 04, 2018 Venue: E3-707, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi Trong Hieu Tran is currently a senior lecturer of Computer Science at Faculty of Information Technology at VNU – University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from […]

    27/11/2018: TS. Đỗ Đức Đông (AVITECH), Dynamic interval valued neutrosophic set: Modeling decision making

    … Speaker: TS. Đỗ Đức Đông, AVITECH Time: 15:30, Tuesday, November 27, 2018 Venue: E3-707, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi …

    13/11/2018: ThS. Nguyễn Thị Anh Đào (AVITECH), Một số phương pháp xử lý tín hiệu EEG hỗ trợ chẩn đoán bệnh động kinh

    … Speaker: ThS. Nguyễn Thị Anh Đào, AVITECH Time: 15:30, Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Venue: E3-707, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi Nguyen Thi Anh-Dao was born in Thai Binh, Vietnam, in 1981. She got her Bachelor degree in Electronics – Telecommunications Technology in 2003, Master degree in Electronics -Telecommunications Technology in 2013 and since […]

    30/10/2018: TS. Lưu Mạnh Hà (AVITECH), Quantification of nonrigid liver deformation in radiofrequency

    Multimodal image fusion for image guidance in minimally invasive liver interventions generally requires the registration of pre-operatively acquired images with interventional images of the patient. Whereas rigid registration approaches are fast and can be used in an interventional setting, the actual liver deformation may be nonrigid. The purpose of this paper is to assess the […]

    23/10/2018: ThS. Lê Trung Thành (AVITECH), Robust Subspace Tracking (Robust PCA) for missing data with outliers

    Tensor decomposition has recently become a popular method of multi-dimensional data analysis in various applications. The main interest in tensor decomposition is for dimensionality reduction, approximation or subspace purposes. However, the emergence of “big data” now gives rise to increased computational complexity for performing tensor decomposition. In this paper, motivated by the advantages of the […]

    16/10/2018: ThS. Lê Hoàng Quỳnh (ĐH Công nghệ), Large-scale Exploration of Neural Relation Classification Architectures

    Experimental performance on the task of relation classification has generally improved using deep neural network architectures. One major drawback of reported studies is that individual models have been evaluated on a very narrow range of datasets, raising questions about the adaptability of the architectures, while making comparisons between approaches difficult. In this work, we present […]

    10/10/2018: TS. Tôn Hoàng Bảo (Univ. Toulouse III, France), Genome dynamics and cell cycle: Integrative approaches

    … Speaker: TS. Tôn Hoàng Bảo, Univ. Toulouse III Time: 15:30, Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Venue: E3-408,144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi …