• Viện Tiến tiến về Kỹ thuật và Công Nghệ (AVITECH)

  • Xê-mi-na khoa học

    20/04/2021: TS. Bùi Duy Hiếu (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN), Security Hardware and Hardware Security for Ultra-low-power IoT: New challenges & Opportunities

    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been fostered by accelerated advancements in communication technologies, computation technologies, sensor technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and semiconductor technologies. During IoT’s operations, it may collect, transmit and process secret data, which raises security problems. Implementing security mechanisms for ultra-low-power and low-cost IoT devices is challenging because they are intended to be battery-based devices with a limited power budget, limited computation, and small memory footprint. In this talk, we will summarize the current options to secure ultra-low-power IoT applications and present our work on cryptographic hardware for IoT and our hardware security evaluation framework based on power estimation tools. This talk also discusses future research directions for security for ultra-low-power IoT applications.

    Speaker: TS. Bùi Duy Hiếu, ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN

    Time: 15:30, Tuesday, April 20, 2021

    Venue: G2-315, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi


    Duy-Hieu Bui received a B.Sc. degree in Electronics Telecommunication Technology from VNU University of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET), a member university of Vietnam National University (VNU), in 2010; an M.Sc. degree in Network and Telecommunications from University of Paris-Sud XI in 2012; and a Ph.D. degree in Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics from University Grenoble Alpes, France (in collaboration with CEA-Leti and VNU-UET) in 2019. He is working as an assistant professor at The Information Technology Institute, VNU. He worked as a research engineer at the VNU-key Laboratory for Smart Integrated Systems (SISLAB), VNU-UET from 2017 to 2021. He previously worked at SISLAB, VNU-UET (2010-2015) on VLSI design for multimedia applications, and at CEA-Leti, MINATEC, France (2015-2017) on low-power security hardware and hardware security in L- IoT project. His research interests include hardware/software co- design and verification, embedded systems, low-power solutions for artificial intelligence, VLSI system/circuit designs for information security and hardware security.

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