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    05/10/2021: TS. Trần Cao Quyền (ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN, Vietnam ), Underwater Source Localization usingMatched Field Processing

    The problem of localization of an underwater source has paid much attention recently since its role are in the development of Vietnam social economy and national security so far. In SONAR, using Matched Field Processing (MFP) to solve the problem is a modern trend since it is applied widely not only in USA but also in NATO countries. In this talk, we will present the crucial problem and the situations of other SONAR groups in both nationwide and worldwide. In addition, we will share some our up-to-date results of advanced MFP based on an approach of Riemannian geometry. The main applications of the proposed algorithm are floating ship localization, submarine localization in military section and fish finding in civilization. Besides, the trend of determining environmental parameters such as sound speed profile, bottom topography and array tilt is also developed. A SONAR system which is embedded the proposed algorithm is suggested for the ships of Czech Republic Navy or cargo ships in commercial use

    Speaker: TS. Trần Cao Quyền, ĐH Công nghệ, ĐHQGHN

    Time: 15:30, Tuesday, October 05, 2021

    Venue: E3-710,144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi; Access code: https://bit.ly/2WjkHyd


    Tran Cao Quyen was born in 1976 in Hanoi, Vietnam. He was graduated Bachelor of Electronics and Telecommunications at Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University of Technology in 1999 and obtained his Master degree of Telecommunications at AIT (Asian Institute of Technology), in Bangkok, Thailand in 2001 and Ph.D in Electronics and Telecommunications from Vietnam National University, Hanoi in 2012. He is with the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, University of Engineering and Technology (VNUH) from 2002 up to now where he has been a Faculty member. Beside giving several courses, his major subjects are but not limited to Underwater Communication and Electromagnetic Engineering, Antenna and Propagations. He is also involved in some projects in SONAR for VNUH as well as for Vietnam Navy Academy.

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