Thai-Mai Thi Dinh is a Lecturer of Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam. She graduated from Post and Telecommunication Institute of Technology, Vietnam in 2006. Then, she received the Master and PhD degrees from Paris Sud 11, France in 2008 and VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam in 2016, respectively. Her research interests focus on 5G Mobile Networks, Wireless Communications and Navigation and Positioning Systems.
Các công trình chọn lọc
[J1] Ying-Dar Lin, Truong Duc Tai, Asad Ali, Chi-Yu Li, Yuan-Cheng Lai and Thai-Mai Thi Dinh, “Proxy-based Federated Authentication: A Transparent Third-party Solution for Cloud-Edge Federation”, IEEE Network Magazine, November, 2020 (SCIE-Q1).
[J2] Ngoc- Son Duong, Thai-Mai Thi Dinh “ Smartphone Indoor Positioning Based on Enhanced BLE Beacon Multi-lateration”, Telekomnika Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control, In press, (Scopus-indexed, Q3).
[J3] Thai-Mai Thi Dinh, Ngoc-Son Duong, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran, “ Smartphone-based Indoor Positioning Using BLE iBeacon and Reliable Lightweight Fingerprint Map”, IEEE Sensor Journals, Vol.20, Issue 17, September, 2020 (SCIE-Q1).
[J4] Duc-Tai Truong, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen, Thai-Mai Thi Dinh, “Performance of OFDM Based Advanced Encryption Standard”, VNU Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 57 – 64, 2020.
[J5] Nguyen Thi Yen, Dinh Thi Thai Mai, Le Nhat Thang, “Interferent Management in D2D Communications”, Journal of Science & Technology on Information and Communications, Vol 02 (CS.01)2019, pp.34-41, 2019. (In Vietnamese)
[J6] Thai-Mai Dinh-Thi, Thanh-Long Nguyen, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen, “Selection of Appropriate Number of CRs in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Suzuki Fading”, VNU Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, pp.1-7, 2016.
[J7] Thai-Mai Dinh Thi, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen and Dinh – Thong Nguyen, “On the Reuse of Shadowed CRs as AF Diversity Relays in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Correlated Suzuki Fading Channels”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E98-B, no. 1, pp. 55-68, 2015.(SCIE – Q3)
[J8] NQ Tuan, DT Nguyen, LS Cong and DTT Mai, “Two composite fading models for diversity reception in mobile wireless networks”, Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 417 – 427, 2013. (Scopus – Q3)
[C1] Ngoc-Son Duong, Thai-Mai Thi Dinh, “On the accuracy of iBeacon-based Indoor Positioning System in the iOS platform “, 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Accepted ,2021
[C2] Thai-Mai Thi Dinh andNgoc-Son Duong, “Smartphone Indoor Positioning System based on BLE iBeacon and Reliable region-based position correction algorithm”, Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, pp.264 – 268, 2019.
[C3] Ngoc-Son Duong and Thai-Mai Thi Dinh, “Indoor Localization with lightweight RSS Fingerprint using BLE iBeacon on iOS platform”, Proceedings of The 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, pp 91 – 95, 2019.
[C4] Duong Ngoc Son, Dinh Thi Thai Mai, Nguyen Quoc Tuan, “Evaluating performance of D2D communications using Interference Limited Area under Rayleigh fading”, Proceedings of National Conference of Electronics, Information and Communications REV – ECIT, 2018.
[C5] Duong Ngoc Sơn, Anh Vu-Tuan Trinh, Thai-Mai Dinh, “Bluetooth Low Energy Based Indoor Positioning on iOS Platform”,Proceedings ofIEEE 12th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-Core System on Chip (IEEE MCoS 2018), pp.57-63, 2018.
[C6] Thai-Mai Dinh Thi, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran, “A closed-form of Cooperative Detection Probability using EGC-Based Soft Decision under Suzuki Fading”, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS’2017), pp.6-10, 2017.
[C7] Thai-Mai Dinh Thi, Truong-Sinh Nguyen, Quang-Vinh Bui, Van-Han Nghiem, Hong-Giap Le, Van-Hung Nguyen (2016), “Performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Lognormal channel using EGC-based Soft Decision”, Proceeding of National Conference on Electronics and Communications (REV2016), pp. 1-7, 2016.
[C8] Xuan-Bac Nguyen, Nhu-Dong Hoang, Duc-Kien Nguyen, Hoang Nam Nguyen, Mai Dinh Thi Thai, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen, “Cognitive Cellular Femtocell Network Modeling and Simulation for Performance Comparison of Uplink Channel Allocation Schemes”, Region 10 Symposium, 2014 IEEE (TENSYPM), 2014.
[C9] Thai Mai Dinh Thi, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen, Khac-Hoang Ngo, “Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Scheme in Software-Defined Radio Testbed”, Proceedings of The 2014 International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Design, and Verification, pp. 147 – 151, 2014.
[C10] Dinh Thi Thai Mai, Nguyen Nam Hoang, Nguyen Van Hoang and Tran Viet Duc, “Performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Nakagami Channel”, Proceeding of National Conference on Electronics and Communications, pp. 164-169, 2013.
[C11] Dinh Thi Thai Mai, Nguyen Quoc Tuan, Lam Sinh Cong, Dinh-Thong Nguyen, “Algorithm for Re-use of Shadowed CRs as Relays for Improving Cooperative Sensing Performance”, Proceeding of TENCON 2012 IEEE Region 10 Conference, pp. 1-6, 2012.
[C12] Dinh Thi Thai Mai, Lam Sinh Cong, Nguyen Quoc Tuan, Dinh –Thong Nguyen, “BER of QPSK using MRC reception in a composite fadingenvironment”, Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, pp. 486-491, 2012.
[C13] Dinh Thi Thai Mai, Nguyen Quoc Tuan, Dinh-Thong Nguyen, “Efficient re-use of CRs under deep fading for improving cooperative sensing performance”, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communications and Electronics IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON 2011, pp. 479-483, 2011
[C14] Dinh Thi Thai Mai, Trang Cong Chung, Nguyen Quoc Tuan, Dinh-Thong Nguyen, “Improving Cooperative Spectrum Sensing under Correlated Log-Normal Shadowing”, Proceeding of Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC), pp. 365-370, 2010
[C15] P. T. Hong, D. T. T. Mai, N. Q. Tuan, “Avaluating performance for Multihop in Wireless Chain Network”, 10th Bienial Vietnam Conference on Radio Electronics, 2006.
[B1] Anh Vu-Tuan Trinh, Thai-Mai Thi Dinh, Quoc-Tuan Nguyen, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran, “Indoor Positioning using BLE iBeacon, Smartphone Sensors and Distance-based Position Correction Algorithm”, Book Chapter in the Book “Intelligent Computing in Engineering”, pp. 1007 – 1016, Springer, 2020.
Đề tài đã tham gia
[1] “Research of routing algorithm in Adhoc networks” granted by UET, VNU, 2006 – 2008, Project Member.
[2] “BCJR Algorithm and Applications in Channel Coding” granted by UET, VNU, 2009 -2010, Principle Investigator
[3] “ Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio” granted by TRIGB, VNU, 2010 -2012, Project Member.
[4] “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Composite Fading Environment using Gamma Distribution” granted by UET, VNU, 2012 -2013, Principle Investigator.
[6] “The Socio-Economic Impact of Allocating Spectrum for Mobile Broadband Services in Vietnam”, granted by Radio Frequency Division, Ministry of Informations and Communicaitons, Vietnam, 2015 – 2016, Project Team Leader.
[7] “Spectrum Allocation and Planning for frequency band 700/800/900/1800 MHz for Socio-Economy, Security and Federation”, granted by Ministry of Science and Technology, 2016 – 2018, Project Member.
[8] “Research and Implementation of Indoor Positioning System based on Low – Energy Bluetooth”, granted by VNU, 2019, Principle Investigator.