• Viện Tiến tiến về Kỹ thuật và Công Nghệ (AVITECH)

  • Thông báo

    PhD Scholarship

    System identification: from blind to informed paradigm
    Vietnam National University, Hanoi and University of Technology Sydney

    Applications are invited to apply for a 3-year scholarship to undertake a joint PhD program in Communication Engineering at both the University of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET) of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). The prospective research study is part of a project on “System identification: from blind to informed paradigm” funded by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), Vietnam.

    Scholarship: The student will be given a stipend of AUD 800/month while in Hanoi and of AUD 28,000/year while in Sydney. The student will also be provided with a round-trip ticket between Hanoi and Sydney.

    Awarded degrees: The PhD student will be awarded a PhD degree in Communication Engineering or Electronic Engineering from VNU (a prestigious university in Vietnam) and a PhD degree in Computer Science from the UTS (ranks 48th in Computer Science worldwide).

    Eligibility: English proficiency of IELTS 6.0 or equivalent and meet the PhD admission criteria.

    How to apply: Send CV, copy of diplomas and academic transcripts, copy of English certificate, 2 letters of recommendation, and a letter of motivation to: avitech@vnu.edu.vn.

    Research topics: The PhD student will work on the following topics:

    1) Performance analysis for system identification

    • Objective: Investigate the current limitations and establish relevant performance bounds based on information theory of the wireless communication systems of interest.

    2) Advanced system identification methods and algorithms

    • Objective: Develop informed system identification methods and algorithms based on the obtained performance bounds. Several methods such as advanced semi-blind, side-information assisted, and learning assisted system identification will be investigated.

    3) Proof of concept for massive MIMO systems

    • Objective: Illustrate and validate the proposed methods and algorithms for massive MIMO systems, including development of a MATLAB toolbox for informed system identification.

    Requirements: Good background in mathematics; Strong background in signal processing and wireless communications; Good programming skills and teamwork; Hardworking; Passion for research.

    Background on machine learning is a plus.

    Working environment: The PhD student will work in the Advanced Institute of Engineering and Technology (AVITECH) and the UTS-VNU Joint Technology and Innovation Research Centre (JTIRC) at VNU-UET in Hanoi, and in the School of Electrical and Data Engineering at UTS in Sydney.

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