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    AVITECH Seminar series: 27/08/2019, Ngô Khắc Hoàng, France, Noncoherent Communication

    You are cordially invited to join a visiting seminar organized by AVITECH.


    Constellation Design for Non-coherent Communications in SIMO Block-Fading Channel


    Ngo Khac Hoang, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

    Time: 15:30, Tuesday, August 27, 2019
    Venue: G2-315, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi


    The communication without a priori channel state information is called non-coherent communication. For the non-coherent Rayleigh block-fading channel, it was shown that the optimal signaling is to encode information in the subspace of the signal matrix in the space-time domain. Therefore, a constellation for this channel can be designed as a collection of subspaces. Such constellations belong to the Grassmann manifold, which is the space of subspaces, and thus are called Grassmannian constellations.
    In this talk, we focus on the single-transmit-antenna (SIMO) case. We first present the optimality of Grassmannian signaling and the constellation design criteria. Then, we introduce a practical Grassmannian constellation so-called cube-split constellation. This constellation is constructed with a structure that facilitates low-complexity symbol decoder and bit log-likelihood computation while achieving a high packing efficiency. Numerical results show that the performance of the cube-split constellation is close to that of a numerically optimized constellation and better than other structured constellations. It also outperforms a coherent pilot-based scheme in the case of short coherence time and large constellation size.
    The material of this talk can be found in this link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.08745.pdf


    Ngô Khắc Hoàng received the B.E. degree in electronics and telecommunications from the University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2014, and the M.Sc. degree in advanced wireless communication systems (Master SAR) from CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, France, in 2016, both with first-class honors. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in CentraleSupélec and Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Huawei Technologies, France under the supervision of Prof. Sheng Yang and Dr. Maxime Guillaud. His thesis topic is non-coherent wireless communications. His research interests include multi-antenna communication systems, coded caching, and network coding. He received the Honda Award for Young Engineers and Scientists, Honda Y-E-S Award, in Vietnam, in 2013.

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