Mathematics Department, Tulane University, USA.
Ủy viên Hội đồng khoa học, Cố vấn quốc tế, AVITECH.
Hà Huy Tài (Professor) obtained a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics and Computing Science in December, 1995, and a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Mathematics in June, 1996, from Curtin University, Australia. He continued his graduate study at Queen’s University, Canada, and received a PhD degree in Mathematics in July 2000. His PhD thesis entitled “Rational surfaces from an algebraic perspective”.
From 2000 to 2001, he was a regular research member at the Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam. From 2001 to 2004, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Missouri, USA. In July 2004, he started a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Tulane University, USA, and has been there since. He was promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure at Tulane University in 2009. He became a Full Professor at Tulane University in 2017. Since December 2015, he has been an editor for the Journal of Algebra and Its Applications.
During his academic career, he has written more than 50 papers for peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He is one of the authors of the book entitled “Ideals of Powers and Powers of Ideals”, which is going to be published by Springer. He also co-edited a special volume entitled “Current Trends on Monomial and Binomial Ideals”, which is published by the Mathematics journal, MDPI publisher. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Security Agency, Simons Foundation and Louisiana Board of Regents.
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