• Advanced Institute of Engineering and Technology (AVITECH)

  • Lecturers of program for 2022-2023 academic year

    CDE-201: Digital communication

    CDE-202: Mobile networks

    CDE-203: Internet

    CDE-204: 4G-5G networks

    CDE-205: Advanced data mining

    CDE-206: IoT and cloud computing

    CDE-207: Research seminars

    Prof. Pierre Duhamel

    CNRS/CentraleSupelec, University of Paris-Saclay, France. International advisor, Adjunct professor, AVITECH. Pierre Duhamel (Fellow, IEEE, 1998) was born in France in  1953. He received the Eng. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA) Rennes, France in 1975, the Dr. Eng. Degree in 1978, and the Doctorat ès sciences degree in 1986, both from Orsay University, […]

    Dr. Luu Manh Ha

    Lecturer, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications. Group leader, Telemecicine & telehealth, AVITECH. Dr. Luu Manh Ha was born in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 1985. He completed his Bachelor program in Faculty of Electronics and telecommunications at VNU-UET in 2007. He continued the work as a researcher and received his MSc degree in Electronic Engineering from VNU-UET […]

    Dr. Lê Vũ Hà

    Head, Signals and Systems Laboratory, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Group leader, Neurotechnology, AVITECH Dr. Lê Vũ Hà is Head of the Neurotech research group at AVITECH. He received a B.E. degree in Informatics from Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam in 1993, an M.Sc. degree and a Ph.D. degree, both in Computer Science, respectively from […]

    Dr. Tran Quoc Long

    Lecturer at VNU University of Engineering and Technology Computer Science Teaching @AVITECH Chương trình đào tạo thạc sĩ liên kết với Đại học Paris-Saclay về Kỹ thuật Truyền thông và Dữ liệu. Other information Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=fr&user=xnnOvh4AAAAJ Email: tqlong@vnu.edu.vn

    Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Linh Trung

    Director, AVITECH. Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, VNU University of Engineering and Technology. Nguyen Linh Trung obtained his B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees, both in Electrical Engineering, from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, in 1998 and 2005. Since 2006, he has been on the faculty of VNU University of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET), […]

    CDE-208: Law, workplace, project management

    CDE-209: Source and channel coding

    Prof. Pierre Desesquelles

    Professor at Université Paris SACLAY Teaching @AVITECH Joint master program in Communication and Data Engineering, between Paris-Saclay University and VNU-UET. Other information Website:https://www.aminer.org/profile/p-desesquelle/53f436bfdabfaec09f1802fb Email: Pierre.Desesquelles@u-psud.fr

    Prof. Antoine Berthet

    Professor at Université Paris SACLAY Viễn thông Teaching @AVITECH Joint master program in Communication and Data Engineering, between Paris-Saclay University and VNU-UET. Other information Website:https://l2s.centralesupelec.fr/en/u/berthet-antoine/ Email: antoine.berthet@centralesupelec.fr

    Prof. Pierre Duhamel

    CNRS/CentraleSupelec, University of Paris-Saclay, France. International advisor, Adjunct professor, AVITECH. Pierre Duhamel (Fellow, IEEE, 1998) was born in France in  1953. He received the Eng. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA) Rennes, France in 1975, the Dr. Eng. Degree in 1978, and the Doctorat ès sciences degree in 1986, both from Orsay University, […]

    Assoc. Prof. Pham Khac Hoan

    Lecturer, Le Quy Don Technical University

    Dr. Lê Vũ Hà

    Head, Signals and Systems Laboratory, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Group leader, Neurotechnology, AVITECH Dr. Lê Vũ Hà is Head of the Neurotech research group at AVITECH. He received a B.E. degree in Informatics from Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam in 1993, an M.Sc. degree and a Ph.D. degree, both in Computer Science, respectively from […]

    Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Linh Trung

    Director, AVITECH. Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, VNU University of Engineering and Technology. Nguyen Linh Trung obtained his B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees, both in Electrical Engineering, from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, in 1998 and 2005. Since 2006, he has been on the faculty of VNU University of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET), […]

    CDE-210: Network security

    CDE-211: Advanced machine learning and IoT data analytics