We are looking for original and high-quality proposals for special sessions, to be included
in the technical program along with the regular sessions. Special sessions are expected to address research in focused,
emerging, or interdisciplinary areas of particular interest, but not covered by the regular sessions yet.
Please note that each special session should comprise 6-9 papers and each proposal must include a list of contributors. Therefore,
before submitting your proposal, please make sure that the contributors have already agreed to submit their paper to your proposed
special session.
If your proposal is accepted, the contributors will need to submit their paper by the regular paper deadline (18 January 2023), and
their submitted paper will also go through the regular review process. If your proposal is rejected, the contributors can
still submit their paper as a regular paper.
Please note that
all the sessions (regular and special) are poster sessions.
Your special session proposal should contain the following information:
- Title of the special session.
- Name and contact information of the special session organizer(s).
- Rationale and outline: Please state the motivation and reason why the topic is timely and relevant. Please also briefly
describe how the session can be organized, which aspects of the topic will be emphasized and covered.
- List of contributors: Please list all the participating papers, including the title and list of authors for each paper.
Please send your proposal to
avitech@vnu.edu.vn by 26 October 2022.