• Advanced Institute of Engineering and Technology (AVITECH)

  • Seminars

    June 08, 2021: Dr. Nguyen Vu Linh (Eindhoven Univ. Tech., Netherlands), Examples of Classification Tasks

    Classification is a machine learning approach in which the computer learns a map from objects (and their features) to classes. Numerous studies have focused on the setting of multi-class classification with a single class variable. More general classification tasks are to predict multiple class variables simultaneously, i.e. multi-dimensional classification (MDC). When the class variables are binary, the MDC task is reduced to a multi- labelclassification(MLC) task. In this talk, we shall quickly illustrate those classification tasks (using examples). The talk also mentions ensemble learning and active learning which are respectively used to seek better predictive performance on a predictive modeling task than a single predictive model and to exploit labeled data in the most effective way. Making set-valued predictions in classification tasks will be discussed. Incases of uncertainty, a predictive model preferably returns a set of candidate classes instead of predicting a single class label with little guarantee. When making set-valued predictions, the classifier should strive for an optimal balance between the correctness (the true class is among the candidates) and the precision(the candidates are not too many) of its prediction.

    Speaker: Dr. Nguyen Vu Linh, Eindhoven Univ. Tech.

    Time: 15:30, Tuesday, June 08, 2021

    Venue: Webinar; Access code: https://bit.ly/3uYyqpz


    Vu-Linh Nguyen received his Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU), Vietnam (2013) and Master degree in Knowledge Science from the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan (2015). From 2015-2018, he pursued his Ph.D. studies at the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), France, working on classification and active learning. From 2018-2020, he was a postdoc at the Paderborn University (UPB), Germany, working on multi-label classification and ensemble learning. Vu-Linh Nguyen joined the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in February 2021 as a Postdoc in the Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence group, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. His research interests include uncertainty quantification, classification, active learning, ensemble learning, and causal representation learning.


    May 16, 2024: TECHNICAL MEETING, Dr. Tran Quoc Long (Institute for Artificial Intelligence, UET), How Healthcare Systems in Vietnam Work

    Vietnam’s healthcare system is a unique amalgamation of public and private sectors, designed to provide comprehensive care to its diverse population. This talk aims to elucidate the structure, function, and challenges of the Vietnamese healthcare system, with a special focus on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare practices. We will explore the historical […]

    May 16, 2024: TECHNICAL MEETING, Prof. Maarten De Vos (Departments of Engineering and Medicine, KU Leuven, Belgium), AI in healthcare: turning the hype into a help

    AI is everywhere, and has the potential to disrupt also healthcare. However, particular challenges related to healthcare applications need to be addressed. Those are exciting times being at the intersection of AI and healthcare. The impact of AI in healthcare will only grow, and we are here at the right time to also unlock the […]

    February 2, 2024: Dr. Khoa D. Doan (Vin Univeristy) Toward Reliable and Practical Machine Learning Applications

    While Machine Learning (ML) has rapidly transformed several domains and applications with incredible successes, there are also important areas where the progress is significantly slower. Specifically, there exists a widened complexity gap between the methods currently investigated in research and those used in practice in these areas. One reason is that many algorithms, despite achieving […]