Microlasers are important components for integrated photonic circuits and ultra-sensitive miniature sensors. In the early state, most microlasers were based on semiconductor materials because of their high efficiency, compactness, and emission stability. However, the fabrication of semiconductor microlasers is challenging that requires costly apparatus and many complex processes. To overcome this issue, recently soft-matter-based microlasers have been investigated intensively as they offer simple fabrication, mechanical flexibility, and the ability to incorporate with different gain materials for tunable wavelength. In this presentation, I will share our work on soft-matter microlasers including polymer lasers and recently developed lasers as well as their application in bioimaging and sensing.
Speaker: Dr. Ta Van Duong, Le Quy Don Tech. Univ.
Time: 15:30, Tuesday, June 01, 2021
Venue: Webinar; Access code: https://bit.ly/3vAn6AY
Dr. Duong Ta is currently a Lecturer at the Department of Optical Devices, Le Quy Don Technical University. He received his ME degree in Optoelectronics and Laser Systems from Bauman Moscow Technical State University (Russia) in 2010 and received his Ph.D. in Physics from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) in 2014. From 2014 to 2017 he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Heriot-Watt University and then at King’s College London (UK). He has authored 37 papers in ISI journals, a patent, and a book chapter. According to Google Scholar, his work has received >1850 citations and his current h-index is 22. Dr. Duong Ta is an Associate Editor of Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, and a reviewer for Advanced Functional Materials, Optica, Nanophotonics, Photonics Research, Advanced Photonics, Optics Letters, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optical Engineering, ACS sensors, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Analytical Chemistry, Scientific Reports, Sensors and Actuators B…